Monday, June 6, 2011

Blessed Pope John Paul II

Blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb.
~Luke 1:42

The personal motto of Blessed Pope John Paul II was Totus Tuus, meaning totally yours in reference to his devotion to Mary. As noted by the Rev. Paul Burke in an article he wrote shortly after Blessed John Paul II died, "As Mary did everything for the glory of her Son, Pope John Paul II did the same, and he had entrusted himself and the whole world to her maternal care since the beginning of his papacy."

This gold-tone rosary features Blessed Pope John Paul II on one side of the center medal and the Holy Mother and Infant on the other side. The papal crucifix and beautiful 8mm blue beads complete this rosary.

This crucifix measures about 2 inches
long and about 7/8 inch wide.
It CANNOT be engraved.

Blessed Pope John Paul II was also very devoted to the message of Divine Mercy. It was during his papacy that Sister Maria Faustina Kowalska was canonized 2000, and it was then that he announced that the first Sunday after Easter would be celebrated from that point on as the Feast of Divine Mercy. During the canonization Blessed Pope John Paul II said "This is the reason why I became Pope."

Pope John Paul II was beatified on the Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday, May 1, 2011. May we all follow in the footsteps of this wonderful Pope, who during his life led many to Our Lord Jesus Christ through his devotions to the rosary and the message of Divine Mercy.

This rosary is available in the following colors (clockwise from bottom left): Cobalt Blue, Topaz, Light Amethyst, Crystal.

The sterling silver center medal option is slightly different than the one pictured above. For more information on this, email us at

Crucifix and Center Medal

(The rosary pictured above is the default selection unless otherwise specified.)

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